Monday, September 10, 2007

What's in a Name?

As you can see by the title now on the blog, we named him crush. I've had a crush on these things as long as I can remember! My favorite cartoon character is Crush in Finding Nemo. If we ever paint it orange it will be Orange Crush, my favorite soda when I was a kid. Although I have to say the blue is really growing on me. I am so surprised at how much I love driving this bus. Actually I'm not. I knew I'd love it. I guess I should say that I'm surprised how much I miss driving it when I don't. It's like my best friend now. The other day, when there was no snow, I took it out for a spin just to reconnect. I'm amazed at how much more peaceful I feel when I'm in it compared to our 'fast' car. I love to just get in while it's parked and lay in the back and read a good book! I just love everything about it and it's the first car I've owned that truly has a personality! So welcome to the site of CRUSH! Enjoy and peace out!

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